Senior Exam Schedule 2016

1. Please note the day, time and room for each of your exams. Your teacher will remind you of your section number if there are multiple sections of your class.

2. You do not have to report to homeroom. When you come to school, remain in the cafeteria until you are sent upstairs by Mr. Polanco.

3. If you are late for school, you must report to the main office for a late pass. DO NOT GO DIRECTLY TO THE EXAM ROOM AS YOU WILL NOT BE ADMITTED WITHOUT A LATE PASS. You will not be given extra time for the exam.

4. If you are absent, you must bring in a doctor’s note explaining the reason for the absence before you will be permitted to make-up the exam(s). A call to the school must also be made on the day of the absence by a parent or guardian. All make-up exams that have been pre-approved by Ms. Conroy will be given on Thursday, May 26th, beginning at 8:30 am.

5. You will be in the exam room for the full time scheduled time. When you are finished, do not linger in the halls as classes are going on for the underclassmen.

6. Take care of all obligations including book returns before the start of exams.

Click here for the Senior Exam Schedule 2016.