A Call from Home: LSA Senior Breakfast

On the morning of Wednesday, June 3rd, the graduating Class of 2020 “gathered” together on a Zoom call for a virtual Senior Breakfast. The Senior Breakfast is a long-standing tradition at La Salle Academy, usually held the day before graduation in the school gymnasium for seniors to celebrate the end of high school, reminisce with classmates and be welcomed as La Salle Academy alumni.

More than 110 students, parents, faculty and staff joined together virtually to celebrate the Class of 2020. The event began with a prayer as always and Principal, Ms. Kerry Conroy followed with a few words of affirmation and hope for the future.

“It is my sincere hope that you will take all of the knowledge you have gained, the talents you have discovered, and the passion that has been fueled in your experiences at La Salle and that you will use them to serve this world and make it a better place” -Ms. Kerry Conroy, Principal

The fun continued with a slideshow of photos from the past four years and a presentation of “Silly Awards” like “most likely to be on television” and “most dramatic.” Afterward, Mr. Stark, Assistant Principal for Academic Affairs, highlighted the great academic achievements of the Class of 2020, especially Co-Valedictorians, Elijah Perez-Medez and Steven Dumeng. A presentation followed, which highlighted where the 2020 graduates will be attending college.

Brother Thomas Casey, President of La Salle Academy, ended the presentation with these words:

“Your graduation is our claim as La Salle Academy that you are ready to step away from high school and bring that message of brotherhood to the world.”

Although this was not the ending to their senior year that they expected, La Salle Academy’s Class of 2020 was still able to celebrate from a distance. Congratulations to the Class of 2020!