In Memoriam

The following is a list of our beloved alumni and friends who have passed away. We pray for the repose of their souls. May they rest in peace.

If you have an obituary or know of an alumnus who has passed away and is not listed here, please contact Mr. Tara Prout at [email protected] or call 212-475-8940, ext. 301.

Class of 1931
John J. Gallagher ’31

Class of 1934
Jeremiah Conway ’34

Class of 1937
John Hutnik ’37

Class of 1938
Matthew Creegan ’38
Lazarus Sangirardi ’38

Class of 1940
Stephen Conlin ’40
William J. Kissane ’40

Class of 1941
Monsignor Patrick Brown ’41
John Dunleavy ’41
James Hillary ’41
Dr. Thomas T. Johnston ’41
William Pickles ’41

Class of 1942
Albert N. Brajuha ’42
Arthur J. Thornton ’42

Class of 1943
Michael J. Caslin ’43
Reverend James P. Connolly ’43
Earl Kiesel ‘43
Francis Lodato ’43
Eugene McCarrick ’43

Class of 1944
Gerard Burns ’44
John Buttine ’44
Raymond McGinn ’44
William Varcasio ’44

Class of 1945
Gregory Gorman ’45
Thomas Lavin ’45
Vincent Maneri ’45
Richard A. Majeska, Sr. ’45
Joseph Metzger ’45
John Monaghan ’45
Thomas Walsh ’45

Class of 1946
Edward Amato ’46
James De Luca ’46
William DeSpagna ’46
George Hamilton ’46
Philip McCarron ’46
Fredrick McClafferty ’46
Thomas Rakers ‘46
James Rice ’46

Class of 1947
Louis Bonomini ’47
Edward Braniff ’47
Roy D’Agnessa ’47
Robert Hayden ’47
John Mahoney ’47
Thomas Martin ’47
Brother Patrick McGarry, FSC ’47
Brian O’Hanlon ’47
Robert Sherman ’47
Stephen Walsh ’47

Class of 1948
Paul Assenza ’48
Edwin Broschart ’48
John Coughlin ’48
Thomas Fucigna ’48
Rocco Garrio ’48
William Lane ’48
Dennis Lee ’48
James Prendergast ’48
Alfred Rickey ’48
Michael Twomey ’48
Robert Whealan ’48

Class of 1949
Gerard Cantwell ’49
Fred DePhillips ’49
Eugene V. Healy ’49
James Kreitler ’49
Philip Leahy ’49
Alfred Magnani ’49
Edward Maitland ’49
Terence F. McDonald ’49
Thomas Smith ’49
Edward Tock ’49
Daniel P. Tully ’49
Robert A. Whalen ’49

Class of 1950
Dominic T. Adams ’50
Kenneth Dowling ’50
Jeremiah Haggerty ’50
Joseph Higgins ’50
James Madden ’50
Edward J. McGill ’50
John McGough ’50
Alexander Joseph McMurray ’50
Edward Rossi ’50
George Schnell ’50
Thomas Walsh ’50
Arthur Woods ’50

Class of 1951
Walter Burke ’51
Carmine Caridi ’51
Roger Carney ’51
Edward Fealey ’51
Francis Flynn ’51
Joseph Foy ’51
Thomas Frawley ’51
Terrence Gallagher ’51
Matthias Harrington ’51
Thomas J. Healy ’51
Robert Hesse ’51
Francis Johnson ’51
Thomas Jordan ’51
John Maloney ’51
Robert Otten ’51
Rev. John Walsh ’51
Louis Tirelli ’51
Kenneth Tully ’51

Class of 1952
John Abruzzese ’52
George Benigno ’52
James Berryman ’52
Neil Boyle ’52
John Buckley ’52
Theodore Burger ’52
Robert Byrne ’52
Anthony Cesare ’52
James Dunne ’52
Thomas Earls ’52
Francis Gillooly ’52
Joseph M. Koropsak ’52
Anthony Laucella ’52
James Lawrence ’52
Jack Mertz ’52
Theodore Morrisey ’52
Martin Nester ’52
James Reilly ’52
John Ruoff ’52
John “Jack” Scarry ’52
Richard Schuster ’52

Class of 1953
Andrew Affrunti ’53
Frank Albaneze ’53
Vincent Blair ’53
George Brosan ’53
Joseph A. Chorney ’53
William Crosby ’53
Mickey Crowley ’53
Jerome Curran ’53
James Glynn ’53
Raymond Griffin ’53
Gerard Hartley ’53
Thomas Knudsen ’53
Dennis Manning ’53
Joseph Martin ’53
Peter McNamara ’53
Charles Pace ’53
Matthew White ’53
Anthony Zirpolo ’53

Class of 1954
William Costello ’54
James Duffy’54
Joseph Fullam ’54
Fr. Edward Kealey ’54
Francis Navarra ’54
John Neyland ’54
Joseph Pacifico ’54
Joseph Reekie ’54
Dane Risley ’54
Bernard Rolston ’54
Alfred Williams ’54

Class of 1955
Augustine “Austin” Belton ’55
Thomas Callaghan ’55
James Carroll ’55
John P. D’Antona ’55
Nicholas DeCurtis ’55
Ray Downey ’55
Michael Dubritz ’55
Rev. James Hammer ’55
Joseph Hold ’55
John Kennedy ’55
Eamon Killoran ’55
Patrick Leahy ’55
Donald J. Mandery ’55
Richard Martin ’55
Dr. Richard C. Morgan ’55
Dr. John T. O’Connor ’55
John Sadlier ’55
Robert Svercek ’55
Peter West ’55

Class of 1956
Anthony Bianco ’56
Walter Cybenko ’56
Peter Kraus, III ’56
A. Robert Lynch ’56
Frederick Merkel ’56
John O’Connor ‘56
Richard Purcell ’56
Robert S. Wikowitz ’56

Class of 1957
Peter Athan ’57
Michael Balme ’57
Thomas Carney ’57
James DiNovi ’57
Raymond Falvey ’57
Lawrence A. Ferolie ’57
Thomas Fitzmaurice ’57
Richard Haas ’57
John Hildebrand ’57
Robert Hogan ’57
Jerome Linder ’57
Robert McCutchan ’57
Joseph McNerney ’57
Dr. James M. McPartland ’57
Harry Merrifield ’57
Michael Ricciutti ’57
John Reilly ’57
Walter Smith ’57
Arthur Viviani ’57
John Wassler ’57
Harold Wilkins ’57

Class of 1958
James Barrett ’58
Alan Byrne ’58
Francis Carney ’58
Robert J. Creighton ’58
Andrew Duffy ’58
John Guinta ’58
John Hahn ’58
Robert Lane ’58
Patrick McArdle ’58
Salvatore Montella ’58
Francis Moore ’58
Walter Ostrowski ’58
Basil Santamaria ’58
George E. Scharpf ’58
Roger Torpie ’58
Michael Touhey ’58
Julio Valera ’58

Class of 1959
Hon. Salvatore A. Alamia ’59
Robert M. Chanda ’59
James Coulter ’59
Salvatore Cusamano ’59
William R. Gray ’59
Robert Johnson ’59
Joseph LeVaca ’59
Joseph Matthews ’59
Francis McCann ’59
John Shinnick ’59
Francis Sicignano ’59

Class of 1960
Carl H. Anderson DLS ’60
Frank Capellini ’60
Richard Carr ’60
James Charles ’60
Louis Corso ’60
James Doherty ’60
Paul Hurrell ’60
John Montana ’60
Kevin Montgomery ’60

Class of 1961
John J. Cox ’61
Anthony Fradella ’61
Paul Haney ’61
James Hearn ’61
Edward Moffett ’61
Anthony Nocerino ’61
Thomas Walsh ’61
John Windle ’61

Class of 1962
John P. Foynes ’62
John Hanvey ’62
Jerry Krycun ’62
George Lennon ’62
Thomas Maloney ’62
Joseph Sherman ’62
Richard Webb ’62

Class of 1963
William Ahearn ’63
James J. Corless ’63
William Doherty ’63
Anthony P. Forgione ’63
Zenon Kurowycky ’63
Walter Long ’63
Edward Orgon ’63
Anthony T. Pepe ’63
Valentine Reid ’63
Anthony J. Russo ’63

Class of 1964
Francis Brown ’64
Ronald Liteplo ’64
Michael Norcia ’64
Brian J. Reynolds ’64
Robert Ryan ’64
Otho Van Exel ’64

Class of 1965
George Kurylo ’65
Ralph Lombardo ’65
Arthur Weber ’65

Class of 1966
William Adamczyk ’66
John Astarita ’66
Joe Cecala ’66

Class of 1967
Philip Libraro ’67
Joseph Lovetro ’67
Thomas Marino ’67
James McManus ’67
William C. Relihan ’67
Irving Valiente ’67

Class of 1968
Gary Benacchio ’68
Rev. Msgr. Patrick Brown ’68
Gaetano D’Angelo ‘68
Patrick M. Dwyer ’68
Anthony Marotta ’68

Class of 1969
Manuel DaSilva ’69
Brian Powers ’69
Michael Roina ’69
Richard Wenzel ’69

Class of 1970
Robert E. Brandveen ’70
Joseph Calandrillo ’70
Vincent Campanelli ’70
John Duane ’70
Thomas Essig ’70
James D. Fraser ’70
Henry Gonzalez ’70
Nicholas Kaiser ’70
Stephen Quinones ’70
Joseph Striano ’70

Class of 1971
Glenn Cahill ’71
Vincent Caruso ’71
William Stephan Maguire ’71
Peter G. Masullo ’71
Charles Zsak ’71

Class of 1972
Michael A. Asciak ’72
Kevin Hudson ’72
Robert W. O’Shea ’72
Gennaro Ottomanelli ’72
James Roche ’72
Robert Tudge ’72
Dennis Whalen ’72

Class of 1973
Kenneth Neenan ’73
John Russo ’73
Patrick Simpson ’73
Kenneth Stumpf ’73

Class of 1974
John T. Burke ’74
Michael Delaney ’74
Kevin Halligan ’74
Frank Martiniano ’74
David McGarrigle ’74
James McMahon ’74
Anthony Riggio ’74
Patrick Silvestri ’74

Class of 1975
Kelly Grant ’75
John Kelly ’75
Anthony Tafuri ’75

Class of 1976
Thomas Dinan ’76
Michael Gallagher ’76
Timothy Meehan ’76
Daniel Rohrsetzer ’76

Class of 1977
James Capuano ’77
Francis Feeley ’77
Robert J. Foti ’77
John Messina ’77

Class of 1978
Dominick DiMola ’78
John Fiorito ’78
John Daniel Garvey ’78
Jeffrey Shaw ’78

Class of 1979
Marcel Borg ’79

Class of 1980
Michael T. Carroll ’80

Class of 1981
Anthony Donovan ’81

Class of 1982
James Cacaci ’82
Harry Espino ’82
John Fletcher ’82
Robert G. Jones ’82
Jerome Washington ’82

Class of 1983
David Kennedy ’83
Peter A. Vega ’83
George Wan ’83

Class of 1984
William Dooley ’84
Philip Sassi ’84

Class of 1985
Sean Geraty ’85
Leo H. McGuire ‘85
Danny M. Pesce ’85
Antonio A. Rocha 85

Class of 1986
John Clarson ’86
Ralph DiMeglio ’86
Randy S. Williams ’86

Class of 1987
Anthony R. Musialek ’87
Vincent Salace ’87

Class of 1988
Dennis Keenan ’88

Class of 1989
Roberto Diaz ’89
Pasquale Granata ’89
Fernando Mendez ’89
Joseph Stepinski ’89
Paulino Victory-Stewart ’89

Class of 1990
Carlos Oyola ’90
Christopher Robinson ’90

Class of 1991
Michael Naylor ’91

Class of 1993
Jamal Abner ’93
Jose Castillo ‘93
Lance Horton ‘93
Luis Liz ’93
Paul Namorato ‘93
Cesar Sanchez ‘93
David Sciulara ’93

Class of 2002
Jonathan Torres ’02

Class of 2003
Romel Arias ’03

Class of 2004
Michael Durnin ’04

Class of 2011
Sam Cooley ’11

Class of 2015
Jordan Urbina ’15

Class of 2017
Justin Hayes ’17

Brothers of La Salle Academy
Brother Michael Bahen, FSC
Brother Henry Betz, FSC
Brother Frederick Bolt, FSC
Brother Francis Bowers, FSC
Brother Henry Cullen, FSC
Brother Ralph Darmento, FSC
Brother Edmund Dwyer, FSC
Brother Augustine Fitzgerald, FSC
Brother Brendan Fitzgerald, FSC
Brother Kevin Gilhooly, FSC
Brother Bernard Gilroy, FSC
Brother Andrew Hayes, FSC
Brother Joseph Irwin, FSC
Brother Conrad Kearney, FSC
Brother Michael Kelleher, FSC
Brother James Kelly, FSC
Brother Bernard Knezich, FSC
Brother Amedy Martin, FSC
Brother Ed Martin, FSC
Brother Stephen McCabe, FSC
Brother Henry McGrath, FSC
Brother Matthew Moloney, FSC
Brother Leo O’Brien, FSC
Brother Malcolm O’Sullivan, FSC
Brother James Perry, FSC
Brother Bernard Quigley, FSC
Brother Anselm Scott, FSC
Brother Luke Wittmann, FSC

Friends of La Salle Academy
Tom Burns
Anthony Colucci
Patrick Cullinan
Sr. Grace D’Amico
Guy DeMarco
Sr. Kathleen Doherty
Tyrone Green
Thomas Konchaski
Kathy Kraus
James Lamb
Bernard McGavin
Robert Stenzel