Alumni Association Meeting

Join the Alumni Association for this special meeting. President and Principal of La Salle Academy, Dr. Catherine Guerriero, will be in attendance.

Track State Championships

Ocean Breeze 625 Father Capodanno Blvd, Staten Island, New York, United States

Networking Workshop

This is a La Salle Works workshop. To sign up, please see Ms. Giancaspro in room 410.

Alumni Professional Networking Night

Alumni Professional Networking Night Tuesday, April 9, 6:00-8:00pm Joseph F. D'Angelo '48 Literacy Center, 215 East 6th Street, 3rd Floor Make valuable professional connections with your fellow La Salle men! […]

Art Expo

High School and Grammar School Participant List_2019 Please email the participant list by Friday, April 5th to [email protected] or fax (212) 529-3598. There is no entry fee and each school […]


St. Patrick's Cathedral 5th Avenue between 50th/51st Streets, New York, NY, United States