Bowling Game
Whitestone LanesOpponent TBD
Opponent TBD
Bishop Ludden Holiday Classic
Bishop Ludden Holiday Classic
Scanlan Christmas Challenge
Scanlan Christmas Challenge
This is a La Salle Works workshop. To sign up, please see Ms. Giancaspro in room 410.
Triple Header vs. Monsignor McClancy
La Salle Academy is hosting its 8th ANNUAL MARTIN LUTHER KING JR. BASKETBALL CHALLENGE for 6th, 7th & 8th graders. If your son is interested, please contact Anthony Chin at 212-475-8940 ext. 240 or at [email protected].
Brown vs. Board of Education
Join the Alumni Association for this special meeting. President and Principal of La Salle Academy, Dr. Catherine Guerriero, will be in attendance.
This is a La Salle Works workshop. To sign up, please see Ms. Giancaspro in room 410.
All other grade levels in class
Home Game