La Salle Academy’s December Recap

Enter to Learn. Leave to Serve. Those two imperatives appear over several portals at our school. Evidence of learning and serving was obvious this December.

I am so proud of our two seniors who received full four-year college scholarships, worth more than a quarter of a million dollars each! Joshua R. (second from left in the photo above) will enroll at Stanford University in California and Abiola L. (second from right in the photo above) will enroll at Colby College in Maine. Both young men were selected as Match Scholarship Recipients in the QuestBridge National College Match. Pictured with Joshua, Abiola and me in the accompanying photo is our College Counselor, Mrs. Rosalie Masullo. More information about this fantastic news will be available to read on our website soon!

Members of our Lasallian Youth Group participated in multiple projects this month in an effort to give back to our community. Pictured here in the photo on the left, Xavier F. ’24 and Alejandro A. ’22 wrote Christmas cards to three communities where many retired Brothers of the Christian Schools in the District of Eastern North America (DENA) reside. In the photo on the right, Michael R. ’24 and Angel M. ’24 worked together to facilitate the donation of toys to local children through The Boys Club of New York.

We held our Lasallian Patrons Dinner on 7 December at Villa Mosconi in Manhattan. Pictured here is alumnus Gary Zuar ’71 (left) with sophomores Anthony H. (second from left), Aiden M. (right), and their moms. To learn more about how you, too, can participate in our Lasallian Patrons Program, contact Ms. Daria Coney at 212-475-8940 ext. 301 or

In order to ensure distancing in accord with COVID guidelines, two concurrent Masses occurred in observance of the Feast of the Immaculate Conception on 8 December. Father Lorenzo Laboy of Immaculate Conception Church presided at the liturgy the freshmen and sophomores attended and Father Michael Greene, CP, from the Passionist Monastery in Jamaica, Queens was the presider at the service with the older students.

We will start touching base with alumni from classes ending in 2 and 7 via a series of virtual reunions in January. Contact Ms. Daria Coney at 212-475-8940 ext. 301 or to learn more and RSVP. This pandemic-induced initiative has connected us with hundreds of alumni around the globe over the last two years. We look forward to connecting with more La Salle men soon!

In January, we will commence our admissions process for the incoming cohort of La Salle Cardinals. Although the number of males taking the Test for Admissions to Catholic High Schools (TACHS) in the Archdiocese of New York was down 2% compared to last year, we are encouraged that the number of young men selecting La Salle as their 1st, 2nd or 3rd choice was up 16%.

I am appreciative of your interest, and investment, in La Salle Academy. I invite you to consider a Christmas gift to our school if you have not yet made a donation. Thank you if you have already contributed.

May this Christmas season renew our hope and may the year ahead be a time of blessings in abundance for your and those special to you!

Brother Thomas P. Casey, FSC