Additional information
Amount | $10/month, $20/month, $30/month, $40/month, Other |
Designation | Lasallian Fund, Lasallian Patrons, Athletics, Campus Ministry, Student Programs |
Support La Salle Academy by making a monthly donation!
Amount | $10/month, $20/month, $30/month, $40/month, Other |
Designation | Lasallian Fund, Lasallian Patrons, Athletics, Campus Ministry, Student Programs |
Calling all La Salle Academy alumni! Our annual Alumni Basketball Night will be held on Friday, January 12th in the gym at 215 East 6th Street when our La Salle Cardinals take on Xavier High School in a triple-header. The freshmen play at 4:00 PM, followed by JV at 5:30 PM and varsity at 7:15 PM. Get in on the action and cheer on the Cardinals as they look to defeat the Knights!
This year, we will be hosting a VIP Alumni Reception at 5:30 PM in the La Salle Commons located on the fourth floor of the school. Light fare and refreshments will be served until 6:45 PM, when we’ll head down to the gym for the varsity game. Your $30 ticket includes admission to all three basketball games, the VIP Reception and a reserved seat in the alumni section. Young alumni (2013-2023) tickets are available at a discounted rate of $20.
Don’t miss out on a special additions to this year’s event: Prior to the varsity tip-off, the 2022 Cross Country and Soccer teams will be presented with their CHSAA City championship rings. Come celebrate these momentous milestones for La Salle Academy Cross Country and Soccer programs!
If you have any questions, please contact the Office of Alumni at 212-475-8940 ext. 301 or [email protected].
Limited spots available for the 2023-2024 school year. Apply today!